Thursday, March 20, 2014

Week 7 Day 4: Regexps and OmniAuth

Major Activities of the Day: We began with a Ruby exercise writing a program that does math in words, e.g., four times seven plus three.  This was basically a way to get some more experience with regular expressions in Ruby.  Apparently, Ruby has a Regexp syntax where you write /(?<hello>world)/.match("the world") and it will give you a MatchData object; if you assigned it to a variable m_data and write m_data[:hello], it will give you "world".  This is useful if you want to find multiple matches in a string, and access each one by an independent variable.  Additionally, under some very particular conditions, when I use the =~ operator, it will assign a local variable with the name between the <>s and the value of the match associated with it.  So in this case, if I did this in IRB: /(?<hello>world)/ =~ "the world" and then entered hello, it will respond with "world".

We kept working on Arel stuff for a while.  It was tough, but I managed to get basically everything done with one SQL query per task (it may have been 100%, but I can't remember, and possibly one of them was impossible to do without 2 queries).

We had lecture today where Avi showed us a pattern for creating users with different permissions (in the case of his blog, users need permission to create/edit a post, create/edit a comment, etc.).  We also went over OmniAuth, which I already have some experience with from adding Facebook login to my project.  It's a standardized system of user authentication using big websites like Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.  And it's a great way to keep your users from dealing with the hassle of making a new login just for your site, while saving you from shouldering the burden of dealing with encrypting passwords (and potentially making a mistake).

I got a lot of work done on my upcoming project today.  I'm debating whether to blog about it beforehand, but I'll probably keep it secret... :)

Skills developed: Ruby Regexps, Arel, User Authentication and OmniAuth

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