Major Activities of the Day: We began the day with an exercise putting together queues and stacks. While these aren't so useful in Ruby (see this post about why Ruby's Array class is reasonably memory-efficient for queues and stacks), they will come up in other languages and are just generally useful for a programmer to know. We then moved on to a long lab where we used Sinatra to create a web app where you input a pigeon with a number of attributes, store it to a database, and display it. We made a Pigeon model, a controller with routes, and a few ERB views.
For homework, we had 2 exercises: one to make a simple Sinatra app using sessions, and another to make a very complex Sinatra app with sessions, lots of models, two controllers, and a whole assortment of views. This was much harder. Honestly, though, I realized we weren't going to be expected to finish them by tomorrow, so I chose to just look over them briefly but not do them yet, and instead I focused on my blog post which is due tomorrow.
Skills developed: Working with queues and stacks, more Sinatra with adding sessions
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