Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Week 3 Day 2: ORM (not just a sea monster!)

(If you don't get this post's title, see here.)

Major Activities of the Day: Writing a Secret Handshake class that parses a binary number (but not a string containing letters) and spits out instructions for a Secret Handshake, reviewing yesterday's assignments quickly, and then moving on to the Next Step: ORM.  ORM (Object Relational Mapping) is the interconversion between two data types that are understandable to different programs.  Essentially, we created a Student class that interfaces with a SQLite database to take input in Ruby and output SQL into the database, then draw information from the database and return a usable Student object to Ruby.  This is all very complicated, and luckily we will usually have ActiveRecord to take care of this for us.  At the end, we even touched on a bit of metaprogramming!  Apparently, there is more metaprogramming to come this week.

Skills Developed: ORM (seriously, it's fantastically difficult to do)

QOTD: "When you feel the need to write a comment, first try to refactor the code so that any comment becomes superfluous." - Martin Fowler (expressing an idea that is absolutely emphasized at Flatiron)

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